How to make a Magic Loop
A magic loop, also called a magic ring or magic circle is the preferred way to start crocheting in the round. lt's considered magical because the result has no hole in the middle.

1. Turn your left palm to face you. Hold the yarn tail in your right hand and place the yarn in front of your left palm.

2.Wrap the working yarn once around your pinky so that the yarn tail ends up behind your hand.

3. Bring the yarn tail up the back of your hand until you can drape it over your pointer finger.

4. Loop it once around your pointer finger, so it crosses in front of your finger.

5. Hold onto the intersection with your left thumb and slide the loop off your finger using your right hand.

6. Insert the hook through the middle of the loop from the front to the back.

7. Rotate the hook so the tip is facing away from you, and grab onto the wor- king yarn

8. Pull the working yarn back through the loop, while rotating the hook so that the tip faces you again, to draw up a loop. lf you need more tension in the working yarn, move your middle finger away from you.

9. The hook should be in front of the working yarn

10. Yarn over. Pull the yarn through the loop on the hook. There should be one loop left on the hook